Alternative job hunting methods

Alternative job hunting methods

For most graduates, looking for their first job post-University will be the most intensive job hunt they have yet experienced. While there are thousands upon thousands of great companies out there all looking for smart, qualified graduates to fill important vacancies, finding the right one for you can be tough and, at times, frustrating.

The most common way to hunt is to do a regular sweep of the job websites and, certainly, that should be part of any intensive search. Yet there are other things you can do that can often be more effective for zeroing in on the big opportunities in your industry.

Consider these options:

Start your job search at home

‘It's not what you know, it's who you know' – it's an old cliché but remains as true as ever, regardless of what industry you wish to enter. So, before you start searching high and low on job websites, check those closest to you. Ask friends and family (both close and extended) if they know anybody that might already be working in your chosen industry. These kinds of organic connections can really take you places.

Utilise social media

Don't just put up your name, photo and CV on LinkedIn and leave your profile there to gather dust. Utilise this extremely powerful recruitment resource to make direct contact with key figures in your industry. Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus can also be used in this way, as many major players and companies in your field are likely to be active there. This can help you make contacts, get known and monitor new opportunities that arise in the sector.

Choose your dream job and make a direct approach

If you are truly passionate about your industry, then there is likely a company you have in mind as your absolute dream workplace. This gives you two choices. One: you can check the job sites everyday in the hope that this company will put up a spec that suits your skills. Two: you can take the initiative and make a direct approach to somebody in the company. If you choose the latter option, it may not pay off instantly as there's no guarantee they are hiring but, so long as you make a good impression, they will keep your CV on file for when they are.

An intensive job hunt will usually require more than one search method before you hit gold. Be prepared to try some of these alternative routes to success.

GradGreenhouse is a dedicated recruitment platform for graduates, combining the latest technology with state of the art tools, including Video Interviewing.